Cat Adoptions
Viewing and Adoptions are by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Pre-Adoption Form must be completed and our staff will contact you with an appointment.
Click Button Above for Pre-Adoption Form
Click Button Above fti View Cats Available
Cat Programs: Sherry - 330-402-3641

Bringing a new animal into your home is an exciting experience for not only you, but for the animal. The majority of the cats/kittens come to Angels as strays. Most have no prior history. Just imagine if they could tell us! Cats come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Some are shy and outgoing, but all want a loving home of their very own. Although kittens are adorable, kittens take specialized care until a certain age. Kittens brought to Angels mostly go to foster care. In foster homes, they are kept healthy, socialized, and most importantly exposed to all the love that makes them ready for their permanent homes. All of this work and dedication takes time and money. We are always seeking donations to help cover the cost of the everyday and medical care for the animals awaiting homes at Angels. Click below if you would like to donate to help with these costs. Every little bit helps!

If you need more information regarding Cat Adoptions, email
We are always looking for fosters and volunteers to help at Angels. We sometimes rely on fosters to provide a home environment for our animals while they are preparing for adoption. Foster must be approved. An applications is available by clicking the button below.
Volunteers help with everything from socialization to cleaning. We even need volunteers to help with programs and events. We are always looking for extra hands to keep our animals stimulated and well taken care of as we work towards finding their forever family.
Volunteer applications are available by clicking the button below.
Donations are also essential to our success at Angels. Your contributions, whether physical items or monetary, help us care for these animals as they transition from our loving care to your loving home. We are also linked to donation opportunities through Amazon, PayPal, and even Facebook. We are still in need of specialized cat cages for our veterinary clinic. We still have many opportunities available for naming rights, memorial opportunities, and general donations. Go to our Donations and Memorials page to see the many opportunities available.
Looking to donate items or take a collection for a community service project? We always have a list of items that we can use specifically for the cats at the shelter. Click the button below for our current donation list.
Fosters, Volunteers
& Donations

Adopting a Cat
All individuals wishing to adopt a cat at Angels must complete a Pre-Adoption application prior to making an appointment to visit with the cats. Once your application has been approved, you will then be called to set up an appointment. We always try to find the best fit for your home and family. What these animals need most from a potential adopter is your love and patience as they adjust to a new home and life. Sometimes that will mean avoiding certain types of toys, other animals, certain situations. None of us are perfect, and animals are not perfect either. Pets should be a lifetime commitment with dedication to research the proper care, and needs that each individual pet may need so they can be welcomed into a lifetime home with understanding and patience. In a perfect world this could be a dream for every homeless cat that has been replaced by a kitten, or simply forgotten in the craziness of life. Love and patience play a
big role in a successful adoption experience.