New Vision
From the fertile thoughts of this great mission, education was chosen as the nurturing link to the future of Angels. By education the pet owners on responsible guardianship and the importance of spaying and neutering, these two woman would work to change the perception of animals as property to companions, and reduce the senseless number of animals killed because of
overpopulation, abandonment and disease.
With the growth in volunteers, educational opportunities and animals in need, they needed a new location. Ironically, the hope of new life for animals was an abandoned slaughter house on 37 acres would be the new home. The plans for a 2.8 million dollar, 13,500 square foot animal friendly facility became the new dream. Plenty of room for dogs to have kennels to play, a cat tree for the cats to roam and rooms for healthcare, education and pet supplies. Andrews Hall was also built as an event center to provide a place for fundraisers and educational programs, as well as a rental hall.
The Full Story
Angels for Animals
Angels for Animals was seeded in the minds of Polly Wardle and Diane Less. It took root on the backs of horses while trail riding in a discussion about barn cats. With the help of a lawyer,
Angels officially sprouted and was incorporated in 1990. The pet project began out of their homes and farms, running ads promoting spaying and neutering and meeting with veterinarians and other groups. With the publicity, this sparked individuals to dump cats and dogs at their homes which quickly became overwhelming. In 1994, they decided to renovate a vacant chicken house into a shelter for animals. Mutual animal advocates began to volunteer and the homeless and helpless animals began to be a much bigger problem than they realized.
The dream became bigger to work to build a bigger and better shelter.

Promising Future
Angels had a vision to help animals in our community like never before. Through countless hours of hard work, fundraising, and generous donors, the Angel Wing broke ground in 2018. The plan was to build a legacy of caring that will last beyond our generation. The Angel Wing is currently a place for animals and the people who love them, a center of hope for sick animals that need to recover before entering the shelter and a place to control overpopulation through spaying and neutering. The key would be to offer affordable pet care to allow everyone the opportunity to care for their animals. Currently, the Angel Wing offers veterinary services,
grooming and end of life services along with cremation.
In the near future, we inspire for the Angel Wing to be a place of hope and healing, a place to go 24/7 and 365 days a year. This new hope will also offer a place to welcome animals any time of the day and night and provide shelter and medical care around the clock for all animals, even the unwanted and abandoned animals. We have a legacy of serving every animal that makes it to our door.
The future of the Angel Wing is to hope that
this door can always be open.